Quote is by Sue Luke
Sorry for the delay but iv been off training hard. Training this week couldnt have went any better im starting to feel like im in good enough shape to really run. For the last two years i have been kidding myself entering races not prepared, not ready but yet expecting pb's every time. This wednesday i hope to run my 1st pb in the 1500 in nearly 3 and a half years. Its madness to think the last time i ran a 1500m race was my 1st year at inters in school.
This week i have been quiting logging my miles, and feeling strong doing so.
11am - 3mile run
6pm - 7mile run
7pm - 8mile run
6pm - 15min, 4x400,4x300,4x200, 15mins
(2min for 4's,90s for the 3's and 60s recovery for the 2's)
I averaged 65s,47s,28s for the session and it was very windy. Felt strong
7pm - 8mile run
5pm - 10min, 4x400, 4x100 strides, 10mins
3mins recovery inbetween the 400s
I ran 60,61,62,63 feeling very good.I was running the first lap with anto and john while they were doing 600s. I was very happy with this session today and now im looking forward to wednesday. The idea of todays session was just to get the legs rolling, nothing to hard because the lads had a hard week. In the end I should have done more but eamonn was suprised with me.
6pm - A nice steady 8mile run with anto and peter. We were fairly moving today
11am - 10miles in the pheonix park with anto and john
Total milege this week = 55miles this week and two sessions,
This was a very good week, 1st week back from monte gordo and training is going very well. Im pretty confident going into next week and the race on wednesday. Im going to race ths trinity games the wednesday after the graded, there is an open mile so ill prob just run that to get a nice workout. So this is the last week before i start really racing. Everything is starting to fall into place, i was very happy with my session on fri and my run and sat and sun. All in all it was one of my better weeks for training. Just have to keep the ball rolling now
Till next time, peace!
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