Well last week went pretty well. After racing for 2 weekends in a row it was nice just to get some good training in and watch a race. We went out early sunday morning and watched the Gerry Farnham race which was pretty good. Good races but the tallaght lads will come good when it counts im sure. We are slowly but surely turning heads in the team battle. Anyways this next week is pretty solid hitting high enough milege with three sessions, hills, tempo and munichs with a long run. Ill be joining up with pete fitz on tuesday for some hills. Tempo will prob be on my own and munich then with the group(pete,luke,fitzer)
My next race isnt till the intermediates but I might run the dublin seniors if im needed but thats not very likely but iv time to get some training down.
Here is the plan for the weeks training:
12miles and core
Morning run
Helfire hills
12miles and core
Morning run
Tempo 3x7mins
Long run
Things so far are going good. Im feeling good in sessions and im starting doing tempos. The hills this week will be increased from 5 to 7 so that will be interesting to see if I can stay up with peter for most of them. Our team mate luke has been on the shelf this week after he got some blood tests, hopefully we will have him back for some runs and fingers crossed he gets good news for the tests.
Anyways ill edit in my trainin after iv completed it. So till then.. Enjoy
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