Saturday, July 24, 2010

Got the ball rolling

Well after the leagues on sunday I took a day off, more the fact that I had work and was wrecked.

I got in 6miles with Rob Fitz and then did 2x150 strides

2mile w/up
2.06 ( seasons best )
1mile c/down

6miles at a nice clip averaging around 7min to 7.15 pace with rob fitz

Rest day

Ok so the race on wednesday was a bit of a breakthrough for me this year, After getting injured it took me a few weeks to get back the fitness I had lost through injury, Lately I have felt able to run a pb but it just hasnt happened. So I was delighted to finally run a decent time, but I was disapointed that I didnt run tactically well, I should have gone through 400m faster as I left myself alot to do on the second lap. It was a race I should have got a pb from.

I was due to go to watch the Europeans in Barcalona but I cancelled it due to work so I might get another shot at getting a pb by the end of the year!!

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