Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So I was really pumped about getting in a solid weeks trainin just so i can have a good shot at getting me a pb, unfortunatly work doesnt care much for my running and I was in work 10-5(but had to stay on till 6)
Mondays we have our delivrys so im lifting trays apon trays on beer all day with no break!! Still once I finished I was determinded to head out, Knowing a good run would set me up for the week. The second I got in I put my head down for a nap and BANG I woke up and it was half 9, I was shattered so already I had used my get out of jail card of one day off rest! Not good..

Tuesday I had the hole day Off work, which was perfect, Got my run in and it felt pretty easy, 6miles or so in tymon at about 5pm which was perfect!

Wednesday Sean had me doing 2x2,2x3,2x2 all off 90seconds. It was a nice day on the tallaght track, the times were a bit up and down. Sean had asked for the second half of this session to be pushed a bit so I took it easy on the first two 200m. But I took the first 300m a bit hard and therefor I paid for it on my last 200m.
The spilts were,31,31,44,43,30,29

Legs didnt feel great, but Ill take it, move on. Ill just run for the rest of the week and hit a session on saturday and 9-10miles sunday. Sean said saturdays session will be something fast. Im looking forward to whatever it is

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Starting to find some form...

This has been a good week by my standards, a good few miles and SB by over seconds and a good session all in the bag!!

After a rest day on friday I was fresh and ready for my session on saturday, I was ment to have a pace maker but unfortunatly he is ending his season so he gave it a miss. The session went like this,

2mile warm up,stretches,drills,strides
(5min recovery)
6x150 (75m easy/75m all out)
(250m jog easy recovery)
1mile cool down

I was happy with how this went, Id love another crack at it with a few lads but for now ill take it and move on,

Sunday had me running lonesome again as my milege buddy rob fitz ran early and as I work in a bar I get in from work at 4am so getting up in the morning for me is a hard, very hard chore. Anyway I was told to hit 80-90mins running, keeping in mind I havent ran over 50mins nearly all summer I underestimated how hard this was going to be, After 5miles I was fucked!! Running on your own is very hard.. I had to cut this run short to 9miles, still the longest single run iv done all year and a wake up call for what will be coming this winter under the new coach!! I was probly a bit exicted after I watched Ciara Mageen fantastic run in the World Juniors in Canada.

One of my good friends Rose-anne Galligan is a big rival for Ciara's, Ciara still has the edge of head to heads but Rose-anne won the latest head to head at the nationals in santry, Its great to see Womans Middle distance in the country be at such a high level. I better get my ass in shape if im ever going to challenge Rose-anne..

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Got the ball rolling

Well after the leagues on sunday I took a day off, more the fact that I had work and was wrecked.

I got in 6miles with Rob Fitz and then did 2x150 strides

2mile w/up
2.06 ( seasons best )
1mile c/down

6miles at a nice clip averaging around 7min to 7.15 pace with rob fitz

Rest day

Ok so the race on wednesday was a bit of a breakthrough for me this year, After getting injured it took me a few weeks to get back the fitness I had lost through injury, Lately I have felt able to run a pb but it just hasnt happened. So I was delighted to finally run a decent time, but I was disapointed that I didnt run tactically well, I should have gone through 400m faster as I left myself alot to do on the second lap. It was a race I should have got a pb from.

I was due to go to watch the Europeans in Barcalona but I cancelled it due to work so I might get another shot at getting a pb by the end of the year!!