Quote of the day by Anthony Bailey
26th of april, Sunday
Today was a session day, i was ment to race on friday but decided not to. I took a well deserved day off on saturday seeing as everyone was in limerick.
I teamed up with sean fitzpatrick for this tempo/session.
We warmed up for 25mins, we just ran to the park. Then we did 6xspawel loop, and jogged home 25mins. The spawel loop is a 300m gradual hill that we used to do back in the day. It a session that i always liked and is very tough. I averaged mine in 56which is faster then iv ever done them. Felt great doing them, the recovery was a 3min jog back to the start. Nice day, good session. Sean felt it hard, but its a session he can greatly aprove. The rest of that day was relaxing watchin the London marathon and waiting on results from the National 10k. Well done to the lads putting in a great team performance coming 2nd and sean connolly winning the event in 30.22. The team was sean,tom,eoin and jeetun.
27th of april, Monday
11am 3miles easy, just a nice easy jog to get the legs lose.
6pm Core work and cirsuits
7pm 8miles with anto,peter and tracey.