Monday, October 19, 2009

Hard week number 2

Well last week went pretty well. After racing for 2 weekends in a row it was nice just to get some good training in and watch a race. We went out early sunday morning and watched the Gerry Farnham race which was pretty good. Good races but the tallaght lads will come good when it counts im sure. We are slowly but surely turning heads in the team battle. Anyways this next week is pretty solid hitting high enough milege with three sessions, hills, tempo and munichs with a long run. Ill be joining up with pete fitz on tuesday for some hills. Tempo will prob be on my own and munich then with the group(pete,luke,fitzer)
My next race isnt till the intermediates but I might run the dublin seniors if im needed but thats not very likely but iv time to get some training down.
Here is the plan for the weeks training:

12miles and core
Morning run
Helfire hills
12miles and core
Morning run
Tempo 3x7mins
Long run

Things so far are going good. Im feeling good in sessions and im starting doing tempos. The hills this week will be increased from 5 to 7 so that will be interesting to see if I can stay up with peter for most of them. Our team mate luke has been on the shelf this week after he got some blood tests, hopefully we will have him back for some runs and fingers crossed he gets good news for the tests.
Anyways ill edit in my trainin after iv completed it. So till then.. Enjoy

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Im back, welcome to cross country

Ok im back, sorry for not updating this over thee summer but I did update a blog on and that was fun. But im coming back to this page because its a lil more private and its a better way to keep track. Speaking off track.. My track season in the summer went quite well in the end although I wasnt happy with it I was happy to re-write a few of my pbs.
One of the biggest runs was my mile race were I ran 4.42 this just came as a suprise I wasnt really expecting much. I also ran 2.05 for the second time in my life aswel with a good 2years inbetween the two times I ran that. And I ran it in the national seniors in the heats. I was happy enough even tho I totally gave up after 700m. Ill put the video up with this post.
Now that im back into full swing of things, im back 10weeks and iv put in some solid training up untill now. And hoping to keep it up now till the indoors. This winter my milege has gone higher then ever before well into the 60s and 70s, and the weeks of races it is still in the 50s which is mad to think i never ran 50miles before this winter. Im trainin 6days days a week. Normally I double tuesday and thursday with 3sessions a week and a long run. Iv been doing the sessions with the lads from my club like peter fitzsimons(13th dublin novice) Jeetun(2nd in last years dublin novice) Luke coleman(16.40 5k runner) Sean fitzpatrick(young runner 4.48 last year) And I run most of my miles with Eoin Dunne(8.38 3k) Tracey Williams(european u23,junior cross country member) and some of the younger crowd in my club now that this year im dipping my hand into coaching. With my main training partner from the last time I was here leaving for america i still have a good group of people to run with. Ok so a lil bit of my training:
Week 1
Day 1 - Rest(back from athlone)
Day 2 - 30mins + drills & strides
Day 3 - 30mins + Core
Day 4 - 30mins(steady)
Day 5 - Rest(athlone)
Day 6 - Rest(athlone)
Day 7 - Rest(athlone)
Weekly milege = 12
Average Weight =
Total Milege = 12
Week 2
Day 1 - 40mins + Core, sit ups, medicine ball
Day 2 - 40mins + drills
Day 3 - 40mins + Core, sit ups
Day 4 - 40mins* + drills &strides(2x200m 33sec)*
Day 5 - Rest
Day 6 - 40mins(not great)
Day 7 - 40mins(park route)
Weekly milege = 36
Average weigth = 68kgs
Total Milege = 48
Week 3
Day 1 - 50mins + Core, Sit ups, Medicine Ball, Push ups
Day 2 - 40mins + drills & 2x200m in 32,33 with 1min recovery, 2laps cool down Day 3 - 50mins
Day 4 - 40mins + drills & 4x150 with 50m jog rec, 2 laps c/down
Day 5 - Off
Day 6 - 40mins steady
Day 7 - 50mins
Weekly Milege = 42miles
Average Weight = 68kgs
Total Milege = 78
Week 4
Day 1 - 60mins(9miles)+ Circuits
Day 2 - 50mins(7.5)+2x200
Day 3 - 60mins(9miles)+ Circuits
Day 4 - 50mins(7.5)
Day 5 - Off
Day 6 - 45mins(7)
Day 7 - 55mins(8.5)
Weekly Milege = 48.5miles
Average Weight = 68kgs
Total Milege = 126.5

That was my first few weeks, and here is my last 3weeks of training:
Week 6
Day 1 - 70mins(10)
Day 2 - 10min w/up, 3x5x400m(track)Avg 74s,1min rest between,3mins sets,10min c/down
Day 3 - 70mins(10)
Day 4 - Am:30mins
PM:10min w/up, 5x1k(3.30,3.23,3.20,3.14,3.07) 10min c/down
Day 5 - 40mins(6)
Day 6 - 1hr 45min run, 16mile run with luke,peter and jeetun! Hardest run of my life!
Day 7 - 15mins w/up, 4xMunich loop, 15minsc/down
Weekly milege
Week 7
Day 1 - 50mins(7.5) + core
Day 2 - Am:30mins
PM:15mins w/up, 5x2min helfire hills,15mins c/down
Day 3 - 50mins(7.5) + core
Day 4 - AM:30mins
PM:15mins w/up, 3x1k off 1.40sec(3.20,3.21,3.23),15mins c/down
Day 5 - Rest
Day 6 - 35mins(4miles)
Day 7 - RACE(17.45 5k)
Week 8
Day 1 - 50mins(7.5) and core
Day 2 - 15mins w/up, 5x2min helfire hills, 15mins c/down
Day 3 - 50mins(7.5) and core
Day 4 - 10mins w/up, drills, Strides, 3xmile(5.41,5.44,5.35)400m jog rec,10min c/dwn Day 5 - Rest
Day 6 - 45mins(6)
Day 7 - RACE Dublin Novice 6k 15min w/up, RACE, 10mins c/down
So this weeks im getting my milege up to the 70s if possible and 3sessions, helfire hills, mile reps in tymon, and munichs with a long run sunday. Im just going to train away and not race for awhile. I have alot more training to be doing till I can compete at cross country again. Last weekend was a bit of a shock to the system. This week so far has gone like this:
Week 9
Day 1 - 50mins+strides(8.5) and Core
Day 2 - Am:30mins
PM:25mins w/up, 5x2min helfire hills, 25min c/down
Day 3 - 70mins, 4x200m strides, 200m jog rec, total time running 80mins and Core(12)
Day 4 - AM:30mins
PM:3miles, 5mins on (2.30 off),
4mins on(2mins off),
3mins on(1.30 off),
2mins on(1min off),
1min on
3miles cool down
Day 5 - Rest
Day 6 - 3mile w/up, 4x1200m tymon loop, off 2min recovery, 3mile c/down
Average time: 3.56,
Times: 3.55,3.37,3.56,3.52
Day 7 - 90mins(14) with fitzer in the pheonix park
Weekly milege= 65miles

Monday, June 8, 2009

Time to rock n rolla

Well im back, sorry for the delay. I have been injured ever since the Mile in the graded, i got pushed and twisted my ankle. It was hard to take considerin i had 500m left and i was on for a sub 4.40 mile for sure. I know im fit its just whether or not i can get over this ankle thing before all the good races go by.
It didnt help that last tuesday one of my friends hurt my ankle even worse playing football.. Its still a lil brusied so im taking things slow. But im positive im nearly in the clear.

I attempted the Graded 800m last wednesday, to no afail. Dropping off after 400m. Im not too worried about that, i know i am in PB shape for sure its just finding the race and time to do it..
After the mile in the graded i took a few days off, it worked out well because i was down in athlone helping the Community games. Since then tho i have been back running, iv done one session since then and this was the reason why i tried the 800m, The Tallaght Track is no finished so i had to do a session on it.

I was joined by Sean Fitz and we did 10x400 with every 3rd one in 64 and the rest in 70 and the rest was 2mins. It was grand, felt good.
Since then i have just ran,

1st of June - Monday
40mins with anto,4x200m strides

3rd of june - Wednesday
Graded 800m(went through in 61)

4th of june - Thursday
40mins with Sean Fitz, 4x200m(27s)

5th of june - Friday
40mins with anto and peter fitz

7th of June - Sunday
50mins with anto

So last week wasnt a great week by all means.. I havent had any pain in my ankle this week so im going to train hard on it this week to test it. I havent lost too much fitness just need to get a few miles under me first. The Leagues are this Sunday down in antrim, if im not needed im goin to guest in the 800m or 1500m maybe both im not sure. So Then this week im goin to hit high enough milege, get a few doubles in and iv a session tuesday. Depending on how that goes ill see what event ill run on Sunday. So this week started nicely, I decided to do a double Mon,tues,wed,thur. On monday i did

8th of June - Monday
9am - 40mins
6pm - 20mins, Cricuits, 20mins

9th of June - Tuesday
15mins warm up, 4x400(61,63,64,63) 4x300(46,44,44), 2x200(28,27), 10mins cool down

10 of June - Wednesday -
9am - 45mins(6miles)
6pm - 30mins(4miles), Hurdle practise

11th of June - Thursday
10min warm up, 8x100m hurdle practise, 5min cool down

12th of June - Friday
40mins steady around Tallaght Village

13th of June - Saturday
30mins steady around the running club and village

14th of June - Sunday(National Leagues Rd.1) antrim
Finally the National leagues, i really love doing these events as its the only time of the year were the hole club compete with each other. This year we feel if we get all our top runners back and fit we could have a shot of Promotion this year.
Our first Step was round 1 up in antrim, we had a decent enough group a few northern teams, sligo, sli cluann, olympian Youth.
The trip up was a bit of a long one but all the same enoyable. The first track event of the day was Sean Morris in the 110m hurdles, Moe finished 4th in that and got us off to a decent start. We Knew our field events were going to be our downfall but Sherife pulled a big throw out of the bag to get a 2nd place. I was next up in the 400m hurdles, i ended up in 5th after nearly falling coming into the final 100m(thanks to a certain Clonlife girl) and i finished in 68 which was around what i wanted but im sure i can run quicker for the next round if im picked.
Our 4x100m team was very strong but they hadnt done any baton changes yet, and somehow we managed to get to the last leg in the lead but we were just caught at the end and finished 3rd. A bit more practise and we can win that for sure. Up next was Thomas fitz who only the day before ran a huge personal best to run 3.51. Tom like a few others made it back in time to help us out, and that he did winning the race in 3.57 winning not only our group but the premier Divison. Nicely done! Ciaran ran a strong race in the 400m and finished 2nd with a PB 52.06. The steeple chase was our next track event and again i stepped into that. Knowing that there was 4 in my divison i just jogged it and got around, although i found it tough i ended up with a time of 11.55, not happy but i finished which is saying something. 200m was up next and Bolger was in this, coming down a distance for this one and ran a solid opener with 4th. Our day got even better when anto leighio who the day before ran a pb 1.51.8 won our divisons 800m in 1.57 and sean then ran a smart race to win the 5k. The last event of the day was the 4x400m relay, with us missing our top sprinter National Junior record holder brian gregan we managed to send out a every strong team. Bolger ran the first leg and passed the baton in first with a split of 51.9 to ciaran mackey(52.0) Jk was next as he was the replacement for grego ran a solid leg for him after his first race in alomost a year handed the baton onto Anto in 2nd but anto having the 800m the day before and today in his legs cudnt catch 1st and we finished 2nd.
Our points tally for the day was 91 and that got us 4th in our pool. Knowing we can do better in some field events and a more baton practise in between now and the next round we have one foot in the door to making the final in Tullamore on the 8th of August

Friday, May 15, 2009

"If you fail to prepare, prepare to fail.”

- Pre

11th of may, Monday
6pm - 7miles in the park

12th of may, Tuesday
5pm - 15mins, 1200m(3.20),8x200m(27s),15mins

13th of may, Wednesday
6pm - 50mins(8miles) in the park with Rob Fitz

14th of may, Thursday
7pm - 30mins(4miles) with anto

15th of may, Friday
7pm- 30mins(4miles)

16th of may, Saturday

17th of may, Sunday

Well another week, more miles in the bank. This has been a good week of running for me, last week could have been my best week of running. So i really wanted to get my head down this week and keep up the good work. This week my buddy rob fitz was back so i was looking forward to hooking up with him. We trained with DCU on tuesday in santry and that was good, even if we were told to hold back. Eamonn has organised an 800m race at the AAI games at the weekend in Athlone. So im going all out to get me a pb, my 1st 800m pb in 2years. My pb stands at 2.05 so going under that will be great. After that race on sunday ill be running in the graded meeting in santry on the wednesday, there is a mile and a 400m race so im not sure what ill be doing yet.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

"Dream barriers look very high until someone climbs them. They are not barriers anymore"

Quote of the week is by Lasse Viren

Time to get my running back on track this week in the Dublin Graded meeting 1500m. It is my first outdoor track race of the season, its my first 1500m in 2 and a half years aswel. Im looking forward to the challenge, if my training of late is anythin to go by I should be up there for a pb. Im not really hoping for any time im hopeing to run well and compete. Ill be running in the B race, so you never really know who is going to run. It will be in Irishtown and as most people know that track is always windy and today(tuesday) the wind seems strong. Anyway times arent the important thing, get out race and enjoy myself. Iv been lining up a few races for the year.

6th of may - 1500m, Graded Meeting
13th of may - 1mile, Trinity Games
17th of may - 800m, 3x800m relay, AAI Games
20th of may, 400m, Graded Meeting?
30th of may, 1500m, IMC, Irish schools
7th of June - 800m or 1500m, Leinster Seniors
14th of June - ?????, National League
28th of june - 800m or 1500m, National u23s
5th of June - ?????, National League

There are just a few races i had been looking at, there are a few graded meeting races aswel ill be running and maybe a few IMC races. The u23s is wat id call the big one for me, id like to run well in that one. But im really looking forward to running in the National Seniors, Iv been saying im going to run every year now for 3years but every year im not in shape so this year im going to be running it wether im fit or not.

This week so far has been just taking it easy.

4th of May - rest day

5th of May 20mins, drils, 4x100 strides, 10mins

6th of May - 11am - 3miles with anto
9pm - 1500m(4.23)
7th of May - 6pm - 7miles with anto, sean murray and sean fitz.

8th of May - Rest day(thank god)

9th of May - 20mins warm up
3x400,3x300,3x200, 2mins recovery between and 5mins between sets
10mins cool down

10th of May - 11am - 8miles, with anto around tymon park and tallaght village.

Not a bad run, its 1 seconds of my PB and considering everythin Im happy enough with it. Im just glad to be back racing, competting, and runnin times. The race itself was ok, got stuck in the middle of a big field and found it hard getting into my running. Got a few elbows and everythin, just racing i guess. I thought on the last lap ok here we go david, im not that tired. Wait till 300m and go from there, but just cudnt get going. Went thru in 67, 2.16 and then i dont know. It was very cold and the wind played a big factor tonite. Ill take it and move on, roll on next wednesday and the AAI games.
Saturdays session was good, i did this session awhile ago on the tallaght track on my own. Today i ran much quicker and the recovery was pretty much the same. My foot was very sore tho after this session. I have really weird feet but i got thru the session anyway and Im pleased with this week. You could say that this was an easy week, because of the race on wednesday I was just tapering down but still got runs in and a session with the race.

Friday, May 1, 2009

"Even if you fall flat on your face·at least you are moving forward"

Quote is by Sue Luke

Sorry for the delay but iv been off training hard. Training this week couldnt have went any better im starting to feel like im in good enough shape to really run. For the last two years i have been kidding myself entering races not prepared, not ready but yet expecting pb's every time. This wednesday i hope to run my 1st pb in the 1500 in nearly 3 and a half years. Its madness to think the last time i ran a 1500m race was my 1st year at inters in school.
This week i have been quiting logging my miles, and feeling strong doing so.

11am - 3mile run
6pm - 7mile run

7pm - 8mile run

6pm - 15min, 4x400,4x300,4x200, 15mins
(2min for 4's,90s for the 3's and 60s recovery for the 2's)
I averaged 65s,47s,28s for the session and it was very windy. Felt strong

7pm - 8mile run

5pm - 10min, 4x400, 4x100 strides, 10mins
3mins recovery inbetween the 400s
I ran 60,61,62,63 feeling very good.I was running the first lap with anto and john while they were doing 600s. I was very happy with this session today and now im looking forward to wednesday. The idea of todays session was just to get the legs rolling, nothing to hard because the lads had a hard week. In the end I should have done more but eamonn was suprised with me.

6pm - A nice steady 8mile run with anto and peter. We were fairly moving today

11am - 10miles in the pheonix park with anto and john

Total milege this week = 55miles this week and two sessions,
This was a very good week, 1st week back from monte gordo and training is going very well. Im pretty confident going into next week and the race on wednesday. Im going to race ths trinity games the wednesday after the graded, there is an open mile so ill prob just run that to get a nice workout. So this is the last week before i start really racing. Everything is starting to fall into place, i was very happy with my session on fri and my run and sat and sun. All in all it was one of my better weeks for training. Just have to keep the ball rolling now

Till next time, peace!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Man imposes his own limitations, don't set any

Quote of the day by Anthony Bailey

26th of april, Sunday
Today was a session day, i was ment to race on friday but decided not to. I took a well deserved day off on saturday seeing as everyone was in limerick.
I teamed up with sean fitzpatrick for this tempo/session.
We warmed up for 25mins, we just ran to the park. Then we did 6xspawel loop, and jogged home 25mins. The spawel loop is a 300m gradual hill that we used to do back in the day. It a session that i always liked and is very tough. I averaged mine in 56which is faster then iv ever done them. Felt great doing them, the recovery was a 3min jog back to the start. Nice day, good session. Sean felt it hard, but its a session he can greatly aprove. The rest of that day was relaxing watchin the London marathon and waiting on results from the National 10k. Well done to the lads putting in a great team performance coming 2nd and sean connolly winning the event in 30.22. The team was sean,tom,eoin and jeetun.

27th of april, Monday

11am 3miles easy, just a nice easy jog to get the legs lose.

6pm Core work and cirsuits

7pm 8miles with anto,peter and tracey.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it

Quote of the day is by T. Alan Armstrong

23rd of April, Thursday
It was my first day back in the lovely irish weather. Back to the cold, rain and wind. I was eating very healthy over in monte gordo so im trying to keep it up. Its so much harder when your at home and there are so many sweets and chocolate. But im still going strong.
When i was over in M.Gordo i got into a routine, up early, eat, train, sleep, train, eat, sleep, so getiing back home i wanted to try keep it up.
Anyways i had an easy run today, i took a few of the younger runners on a steady run with anto. We did 45mins steady enough in the rain. Im feeling much fitter now, its great to get that feeling that things are coming together. So im going to head down to limeick for the varsitys this weekend. I was ment to race but i forgot to send my student ID number in and they said it was to late to enter. Not to worry id rather get a few more sessions in with the group who are going very very good.
Anto won on wednesday in 1.54.44 with andy brennan 2nd and Liam trimble running 1.57
In the B race Phil won that beating andy gray in 2.02 so well done to the lads. Johnny is racing the 1500m so good luck in that. So the track ball has started rolling for sure now. Its still early so a long outdoor season is ahead of me now.
My 1st race will probaly be on the 6th of may in the 1500m. Ill keep this update till then.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monte Gordo Training camp 2009

Well im finally home now so i thought id write down all my training from portugal.
It was a great trip, training went well, great company, nice weather but what i got most out of the trip was how much i need to change up my diet, after the 11 days i can see iv lost alot of body fat and got a bit more leaner which i need to keep up now im home.
The place is a runners heaven basically, its full of either athletes or old people. There isnt many bars which is great because that is always a temptation when your away. But we stayed off the drink, slept well, eat well and trained well
Ok so here is day by day account on how i got on.

12th of april,sunday
6mile jog in the trails

13th of april,monday
20mins,8x200m(27,28)2min recovery,20mins
14th of april,tuesday
6mile run, core work and circuits
15th of april,wednesday
20mins, 6x400m(64,66) 2mins,4x200m(28s) 20mins
16th of april,thursday
60mins, core work and circuits
17th of april,friday
10mins, 600m,400m, 1min rec in betweenx 3,(1.44,64,1.45,66,1.48,67)10mins
18th of april,saturday
No running, core work and circuits
19th of april,sunday
10mile run on the trails

20th of april,monday
20mins, core work and tempo, 10mins
21st of april,tuesday
20mins, 8x200m(26-28)2min rec, 8xhills,20mins
22nd of april,wednesday
20mins, core work and tempo,20mins

Monday, April 13, 2009

Monte Gordo 09

Well im here, training is going well. Weather is great. This place is a runners heaven.

I left on saturday our flight was at 5pm, met up with flynn and dave fitz in the airport. Yeah the flight its self wasnt too great i got the biggest headache on the plane, had too blow air out my ears and everythin(soo funny) Saturday before i headed to the airport i did an easy 45mins, great weather. Got me ready for whats in store.

Sunday, chill out day, we just got ou bearings and chilled out. There isnt much of a nite life here so its good so we just train away and relax after having coffee chattin, iv met a few deadly athletes here, had coffee with tom carey(400m Hurdles) Sunday morning i got up and headed straight for a 6mile run, it was hard to say the least but im glad i got out.

Monday we decided to change our session days to monday,wed and i mite do something on friday.
I did 20mins on the trails, 8x200m(27-28s) 2min recovery, 20mins on the trails.

It was a nice session, i joined up with Jk and grego for this session, they did some hills sprints after, and headed to the gym for a good weights session while i was on camera action and watchin all the talent on store!

Things are great here, tomoro we move into the apartment which will mean no more eating out, this week im totally cutting carbs out of my diet, so no more chips,bread any of shit. Wednesday Ciara McCallion joins up with us and friday John Sheilds enters the gaf.

Tomorow a 30min run in the morning and 30mins in the evening, is on the cards.

Wednesday a run in the morning and the 8x400m in the evening.

Thurdays will be the same as tuesday

Friday im considering a run in the morning and 6x600m, we will see wat eamo says

Anyways the place is great, having a ball, dont want to leave really. I will defo try to get back next year around the same time and hopefully more distance runners will join, this place either is full of old people or runners. I would recomend this for any runner.

Anyways when i get home ill have a few fotos of the trip. Till the next time Hope you all enjoy the cold hahaha

Thursday, April 9, 2009

If someone says,'Hey,I ran 100 miles this week.How far did you run?'ignore him!What the hell difference does it make?.... The magic is in the man

Quote of the day is by the legendary Bill Bowerman

9th of April, Thursday
So today i had an easy 6miles on the cards, as eamonn says drunk miles(from the lactic acid) So me and anto headed to the park for our daily chat about yesturdays training and etc. So he did 40mins and i headed on the track for a few laps on our track, its so nice to run on its very soft, great for doing longer stuff.The sprinters complain because they cant wear there spikes and because its so soft its not fast. But after trainin on it you dont feel the after burn that you would if you ran in santry. When that track is finished we will have alot of great races on it, Count on it.

Anyway legs after Wednesdays session seem fine, except the blister. It was a good session, its one of my best ones yet this year. But the sessions will get better and hopefully the times will. But as my quote of the day yesturday reads that sessions dont make you a better runner. They are there, dont think to hard about doing them just do them. Race day is all that matters

Today hit me that ill be in monte gordo soon, so while im over there i mite not be have internet access but ill try update the blog as much as i can.
Tomorow a nice steady 8miles is in order, and a short session in santry before i head out on saturday. My milege will be good this week so ill hit about 50 and then ill increase that when im over there,

Anyways till next time, Laters!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Workouts are like brushing my teeth; I don't think about them, I just do them. The decision has already been made

Quote of the day is by Patti Sue Plumer, U.S. Olympian

8th of april, Wednesday
Ok so tonite was my first session since i the 300's a week and a half ago. That went well enough that day, tonite was just as good. I wasnt feeling to great before the session, but as i got into it my legs opened up. Till they were full of lactic acid haha

The session was a pretty basic one,
15min warm up,600m,400m 1min rest between them 3 times, with a 5min rest in between the sets, 15min cool down

The Tagert times were 1.40-43 for the 600 and 62 for the 400m
I hit near enough the times, i went 1.41,62,1.42,64,1.43,62
Holy fuck was i on the ground after that one.
The group pulled me on, having lads to train with this year will do me only good, even if its so annoying having to travel nearly an hour out to alsaa to train and there is a fine track 10min walk away. But last year i was on my own trainin most of the time, i didnt improve so this year i know im going to improve. I was happy enough with it, the 1min rest hurt but i enjoyed the 4's. Everyone suffered, we all try run together so we all do different distances.

Awh so that was probaly my last session before i head to Monte Gordo, a good way to leave i guess. Hopefully when i come back the sessions will be better and faster.
That was all grand, feeling quite happy with myself till i came home and saw the score of the liverpool match, What a total shock! Where did chelsea get that from, dark horses or what. Awh i was shocked to say the least with that.

Anyway tomoro a nice steady 6miles is in store so till then Shlaterss

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Running is a lot like life. Only 10 percent of it is exciting. 90 percent of it is slog and drudge

7th of april,
Tuesday Quote of the day is by Dave Bedford, English distance runner who occasionally put in 200 miles a week in training.
This Quote couldnt be more useful then today. Ok so today, was just in one word, HORRIBLE!! It couldnt be worse weather out today for my run. It got worse, i was running late so had to nearly sprint down to the usual meeting point(almost getting knocked down) to get there and nobody showed up for the run, so i headed to the park for could only be described as a gruely 6mile run. Battling the wind, rain and cold. But its days like this you look back on and think, u ran in that on that day, u can run hard today.
I attempted doing strides on the track but at that stage i was wet, cold and in need of a hot shower. Hopefully tomoro the wind wont be as tough or the session out in ALSAA will be more pianful then it usualy is.
I guess its the same for everyone. Im now counting down the days for Monte Gordo, I leave on saturday at 4pm.
Cant wait,The video today was on that was a serious help today as i had it playing when i was going head first into the wind climbing the hill in Tymon park, I love it and its great for listening to before races. So tomoro iv a session so ill have lots to say tomoro. Peace!!

P.S Good luck to Peter and Luke in the colours tomoro, start to get the season rolling.

If a man coaches himself, then he has only himself to blame when he is beaten

Quote of the day is by Sir Roger Bannister

6th of april, Monday
So a new day a new week, but most immportanly less then a week to Monte Gordo!!
Ok so this week im not feeling sick, and im getting the head down. Today i headed to the club at 6pm for some fine adjustments, Jk did a few tests on us and he came to the conculsion i have shitty hamstrings, im always bitching and moaning when they do any hamstring leans or anything like that. It was pretty obvious and it makes sense to me because i do be in bits the day after his circuits.

Anyway I got down to some core work, which is getting pretty good. Then into some drills and off for a nice 8mile steady run with Anto(1.52 800m) Tracey(has made Euro juniors and u23 XC teams) and Jeetun Djmara(2nd in dublin Novice) It was steady enough, its was raining but it was bright out. I enjoyed the run. Sets me up nicely for the rest of the week. Im now counting down the days till Monte Gordo, no more rain or wind.

Anyways ill love ya and leave ya.
Take her easy

If I faltered, there would be no arms to hold me and the world would be a cold and forbidding place

Quote of the day is by the great Sir Roger Bannister

Ok so i have been kinda of busy this weekend with work and what not. So ill just have a week summary.

Monday - Sick
Tuesday - 4miles(pulled up with a calf problem)
Wednesday - 20mins,8x50 strides, core work,20mins
Thursday - 6miles, 4x300(avg. 47) 70rec, 10min c/d
Friday - 8miles in the park, steady. It was lashing
Saturday - 20mins, 8xspawell loop(300m gradual hil) Avg 57, 20mins
Sunday - 10miles in the park

So this week had its ups and its downs.. I really thought i was hurt on tuesday but i feel fine and my sunday run was enjoyable. It was great having people this week to run with, like anto,tracey,kev,peter,sean. Next week will be back to the sessions getting myself into as good of shape as i can then its off to Monte Gordo with John Kelly, Grego and Ciara with Shiledser joining in aswel. Sunday wen went out to watch the Bupa, was going to run in and run back but after talkin to anto im glad i didnt haha. So another week down, racing season is fastly approaching now and a 11day trainin holiday in portugal hopefully will get me set to start finally running some pbs

Friday, April 3, 2009

Running is a big question mark that's there each and every day. It asks you, 'Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today?

3rd of Apil
Ok so its friday, normally a rest day depending on how I feel, i was not in the mood at all today, the weather wasnt the best and i still have a cold. I woke up with an invite from Peter Fitz for a run and totally didnt want to run. But as the day went on I knew i had to run. Got another person looking for a run Kev English(my only fan at the min) So i had to head for a run.
So we hit the park, Myself,Kev,Peter and Sean Fitz. There was a bit of a delay in the meet because one of the young bucks was too busy finding as much layers of clothes he could find in his house. We went for a steady 60mins in the rain. It was just what the doctor ordered, im not going to lie i found it tough but i got through it. Its great having lads to go for runs with,
So as i sit here typing 3 blogs i would like to apologise for the lack of blogs but the laptop was on the fritz this week. I think i will be doing a session out in santry tomoro so that should be fun. Then sunday watching as Fagan kicks Tergarts ass

Quote of the day is by Peter Maher, Irish-Canadian Olympian and sub-2:12 marathoner.

Good things come slow - especially in distance running

Thursday 2nd of april
Ok today was much better, i woke up a bit stiff but ready to get back running. Im not the best injured person i hate missing days. So 6pm i headed out for a run and a few strides on the track after.
It was sunny, warm and time to wip out the singlet and shorts, its been a long time! So i headed for a run on my own just me and the ipod, i headed for a 6mile run easy nothings to scream and shout about, then i got on the track and did 4x300 with a 100m jog and i hit them in 46,47,47,46 i had one of the lads pulling me on Sean Fitzpatrick so it made it a lil less unbearable.
It was great to run with no pain and the sun shinning. I did a 10min cool down and alot of stretching just to be careful. It was so freshing to be back running fast, and the Tallaght track is very fast. I struggled to run those times in santry on saturday but was cruising today. I will be looking forward for the track to finish so we can race on it, there are going to be some fast times on that track.
The quote of the day is by Bill Dellinger, Oregon coach. The video is by a good mate of mine Wallis Bird, funny story she tried to stage dive and me and my mate steve where the only one to catch her. Hopefully she becomes famous because if she does im selling my story to the paper. Wallis bird was on top of me once.. the photo will explain my story haha

Believe in yourself, know yourself, deny yourself, and be humble

Wednesday 1st of april Well im back, sorry for the delay people.. My laptop is a not well. Ok so today is the 1st of april, and it was just so great going trainin and it being bright and sunny. I was on a bit of a downer after falling to pieces yesterday on a run. I was like a lego man(in bits). Today was a new day i suppose so i just wasnt to try run the pain in my calfs off, not a smart idea but it actually worked. I was worried the hole day about going trainin, whether or not to go. So in the end it was too nice of a day not to go down. So i ended up doin- 20mins easy run, 8x50 strides, and 20mins run with Becky(sprinter) It was satisfied with it! The quote of the day is by the lengandary John Tracey and his 4 principles of training. I think the last one alot more people should listen too, and thats not a jab at anyone in case you thought that.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If you feel like eating, eat. Let your body tell you what it wants."

Ok so this is my first real offical blog. Im going to have a quote of the day and have a few videos of whatever i feel like at that time. Today the quote is by Joan Benoit Samuelson and it is relivent because its true. The last two days my body has told me to rest so I did, today it says something different so ill be running later on with tracey williams for an easy 45mins or so in the park.

I will update this later on how it went, this week will be interesting. I think i will be taking it easy just getting my miles back on track after missing yesterday. I will prob do the session on saturday and miss wednesday session. After all some of the lads are racing the all irelands and bupa so there mite not be a session. Kev english is organising a run on sunday before the Bupa 10k which will be interesting to say the least Martin Fagan vs Paul Tergart

Anyway looks like its getting bright out, im going to leave ya and love ya for now. Will update this later after my run. Enjoy the video, i love this song, its from the USA Olympic soundtrack. Check out there other songs!


Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 1(first of many I hope)

Ok so ill get the ball rolling i suppose. Today is the 30th of march and it is my first blog. I am bed ridden as of sunday. It is mainly the reason why i started this blog i.e i was so freaking bored.

Anyway im coming off a 2week block of trainin where i just did runs everday and few sessions. Lets recap the last 2weeks of training to give u a insight into the training.

16th of march
8mile run in the park, followed by core work in the club house
17th of march
6mile run in the park, followed by a few strides on the track
18th of march
8mile run in the park, followed by core work
19th of march
6mile run in the park.

ok now the weekday was easy but the trouble is weekends going for runs is a huge effort. But i got through it anyway.

20th of march
Me and anto headed to teh park, this run was huge because it was the first run(hopefully many of) that we could run in singlets, no more underarmor or three layers of tops. We headed for a nice 6mile run at a steady pace getting quicker by the mile.

21st of march
GRANDSLAM BABY- My run was delayed because of todays sport. It was a great day for me, Man Utd Losing(badly) chelsea losing, Ireland WINNING THE GRANDSLAM, Bernard Dunne winning.
After watching the rugby i went for what turned out to be a very fast run, went for 8 miles at a fast enough pace, on my own just me and my ipod and on I went.

22nd of March
Today was kinda of a lazy day, went to watch my cousins rob and adam win the junior rugby cup. But i headed for a 75min(11.5 miles) run in the park on my own again just getting quicker by the mile.
Total miles: 45miles

23rd of march
8miles in the park, followed by core
24th of march
8miles in the park. Very windy
25th of march
15min warm up, 10x400m (Avg. 70), 4x200(avg. 30) 200m jog recovery, 15min cool down
26th of march
Legs where very sore and stiff, 4miles easy followed by stretches
27th of march
8 miles steady in the park with peter and eoin carrol
28th of march
15min warm up, 10x300(avg. 48) 70 sec rec, 15min cool down
29th of march
Im in like lego, in bits. Calf sore, foot bruised, and to top it off i have a cold.
Total Miles: 40miles

Well thats about it.. Ill hopefully update this in a few days and hopefully my cold is gone


Hey, the name is spud, aka David Somerville.

I started this just for a bit of fun, nothing serious. I have been keeping a running journel since i was 16, every year except this year. I have been just running day by day week by week. I find if i over think things I can put myself under more pressure. This year isnt too break records but too get myself back into running, get the taste of racing and enjoy my running. Last year i dropped down to sprints it wasnt a move i wanted it just happened. During last year i lost the hunger for running. I used to eat sleep and drink running.. It got me nowhere but gave me a big head and i had huge expectations for myself. Through hard work and dedication i hope to really progress and start running pbs. Let me stress, no negative feedback is welcome

Im 20 years of age and i work full time as a barman for the year. I took the year off because i was sick of college from the year before. It was a badly organised course and very stressful. taking the year off wasnt a great idea but it has given me time to reflect on what matters. Friends,health,fun. Running is a big part of my life and when i run well everything seems to fall into piece.

I run for my local running club Tallaght Athletic Club and have ran for these since i was 11 or 12. I started taking it serious when i was around 15 or 16. I have possibly ran every distance growing up. I consider myself a middle distance runner. I train with a good group of lads im not going to name then but they know who they are. I have recently got a new coach and im slowly learning things. Over the course of the next few blogs u will find out how i train, why i train, who i train with, etc

As i get ready to hit some pbs this year on the track this will hopefully urge me on to train when i dont feel like or when im too tired.
Sure ill leave ya and love ya
Peace! Take her easy